Ingrown Toenail (Part Three)

Surgical Treatment

If there are too many signs of inflammation: swelling, pain, and discharge present, you might say it's infected and needs to be treated by a doctor (see image below left). You may need to take oral antibiotics and the nail might need to be partially or completely removed (see the middle image below).

The doctor can surgically remove a part of the nail, part of its bed, some of the soft tissues next to it, and even a part of the growth center (see the right image below).

Infected toenail

Partial removal

Toenail surgery

Surgery is effective in removing the nail's edge from growing inward and forward into the skin. Permanent removal of the nail might be advised for children with recurring and chronic infections of the ingrown toenail.

If you are experiencing a lot of pain and/or infection, your doctor might remove a part of the nail that has grown into the skin (partial nail removal). Your toe will be injected with an anesthetic, and the doctor will use scissors to cut the ingrown part without touching the nail bed. Exposure of the nail bed can be very painful. Complete removal of the ingrown nail (total nail bed removal) increases the chances that the regrown nail will be deformed. It may take 3-4 months for the nail to regrow.

Risk Factors

If the problem is not congenital, the best way to prevent ingrown toenails is to protect your feet from injuries and to wear shoes and socks that fit well and are comfortable for your toes. Nails should be cut straight across with a clean nail clipper, without cutting the corners or edges of the nails. Trim nails no shorter than the tip of the toe. Keep your feet clean and dry at all times.

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Very meaningful and simple to understand. Thank you, Dr. Ledian

Sent by Artur, më 04 February 2014 në 10:25

Hello Mr. Artur! It is our duty to inform patients as well as the public about the most common diseases in the community..

Sent by Ledian Fezollari, më 05 February 2014 në 01:02

Hello doctor...I wanted to ask...about 4 months ago, I accidentally cut the big toe of my foot deeply on one side, and this caused an infection in the toe and swelling in the flesh next to it...I treated it with Betadine and cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide before treating...I wanted to ask, currently, the toe has the part where I cut it deeply, it is hollow inside...but the flesh is still swollen and hurts so much it breaks my heart...I am breastfeeding my daughter and I don't know if I can use any antibiotics...please give me some advice...regards

Sent by Elena, më 07 March 2014 në 13:28

Hello! You can take Augmentine 1 g tab, 2 times a day, 1 tablet for 5 days...also continue with betadine foot baths...the toenail cut should be made as above...try to insert a cotton swab under the nail every day to raise its level higher..

Sent by Ledian Fezollari, më 12 March 2014 në 04:10

Hello Dr. Ledian, where can we perform these surgical interventions, in which hospital or clinic?

Sent by skerdi, më 31 March 2014 në 12:42

Hello, doctor, I am a 14-year-old girl. I have noticed that by wearing rollers often, I have gotten what you might call an ingrown toenail on my big toe, I don't know what to do and I wanted to consult with you once, please reply to me what should be done because I have a lot of pain in it... thank you

Sent by Dergua nga Genita, 06102014, më 06 October 2014 në 14:39

Hello doctor, I am speaking on behalf of my mother, she has suffered for years with this kind of problem, now again she is experiencing this kind of issue with her toe, the big toe has been operated on several times and yet the problem has recurred, what can she do for example, or is there another way? It's an unbearable pain...thank you

Sent by LORENZO, më 20 October 2014 në 09:55

Hello doctor, I am a 14-year-old girl and I need your help. The nail on my big toe often grows into the skin and I have treated it myself several times... but this time it has become infected and is very swollen... and every time I take off my shoes when I return from school, I find it very dirty... perhaps the nail has not yet grown and I can't cut it...but it hurts a lot since the flesh has grown over the nail... I am in a lot of pain... please can you give me some advice on what I should do? Thank you!

Sent by Enxhi, më 05 November 2014 në 08:00

Hello! Esteemed lady, can you come to American Hospital 2, so I can take a look at your finger.....because there is a high chance it might need minor surgery to remove the part that has entered the flesh

Sent by Ledian Fezollari, më 13 November 2014 në 03:24

The writing above is quite understandable. I am a 14-year-old girl, and I have an ingrown toenail. However, a piece of it has surfaced on my finger, and I have been in pain until I started soaking my foot in warm water with salt and vinegar as a friend suggested. I have noticed that my finger is a bit better. Is it possible for it to heal without me having to undergo surgery? Because surgical intervention on the nail is not a pleasant experience, and I have been in pain when I had it operated on a few months ago, and the same nail has grown into the flesh again. It is very true that I did not cut it properly. Thank you for your understanding

Sent by Flutura, më 01 December 2014 në 12:10

Hello Dr. Ledian. I had surgery on my big toe; it was quite a difficult operation because it was infected, and the infection had spread to the bone. The doctor didn't just remove the nail but also the flesh from both sides of the toe. The doctor who operated on me advised me not to wet the toe. It's been 6 months, and it hasn't fully healed yet. Even when I wear shoes, I feel pain. I've been careful not to wet the toe, following the doctor's advice. I wanted to ask if I should continue doing this or if I can wet it since it's halfway healed? Thank you for your advice! I look forward to your response

Sent by Ana, më 11 January 2015 në 12:42

Hello doctor, I crushed my thumb and it has turned black and swollen and I have constant pain (24 hours). I went to the doctor and they did an x-ray, didn't clean the wound but gave me two small pills and some medicine, and bandaged it, and 7 hours later the pain still continues but not very severe

Sent by Aldrit krqsniqi, më 21 February 2015 në 15:10

Thank you very much indeed, I am a 15-year-old boy who had surgery on the toe of my left foot, and now it's starting to happen again on my right foot. But thanks to your very informative advice, which I had no idea what to do about, I now feel relieved and hope to avoid surgery on the toe. Thank you

Sent by Ervisfiora, më 26 May 2016 në 15:02

The topics are well-chosen, elaborated very beautifully with well-argued figures, deserving of every praise

Sent by Dr. Muhamet Balaj ,mjekë famil, më 15 September 2016 në 06:50

Hello, can you help me because I got a splinter in my flesh in case it happens

Sent by redona daci, më 25 November 2016 në 08:24

Sure..let's meet on Wednesday at the trauma hospital to do it

Replay from Dr. Ledian Fezollari, më 25 November 2016 në 09:06

Hello doctor. I have a splinter in my flesh, and what should I do?

Sent by Albi, më 26 November 2017 në 08:38

For example... Come on Tuesday to the Trauma Hospital... I will visit you... (0674933565)

Replay from Dr. Ledian Fezollari, më 26 November 2017 në 09:57

Hello doctor, a few weeks ago I noticed that the big toe of the foot had ingrown. I have tried many methods but it hasn't gone away. What else can I do..

Sent by Albiona Berisha, më 15 November 2019 në 13:23

You need to be visited up close... there is a chance that you may need surgery

Replay from Dr. Ledian Fezollari, më 15 November 2019 në 15:41

I am a 15-year-old girl and a few months ago my toenail grew into my flesh. At the moment, the toenail has grown but there is still an open wound next to the nail and pus comes out when I wear shoes. Can you recommend something?

Sent by ester , më 06 January 2020 në 09:25

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