IVF or ICSI? (Part Two)

I would not like to dwell much on the details of performing each technique but on the advantages and disadvantages that each of them has and to bring my personal experience in this direction.

Based on the studies conducted so far when the conditions for the application of the "classic" fertilization technique exist, the results have shown almost the same pregnancy rates between the two techniques but a lower percentage of abortion and higher birth weight of children when the technique is "classic" fertilization. So as long as the conditions for performing "classic" fertilization exist, there is no reason not to use this technique.

This is an issue that has been raised as a concern in all countries. Looking at the ESHRE reporting, it generally applies in two-thirds of the cases ICSI and in one-third of the cases "classic" fertilization. The reason this happens is because the fertilization percentage (the ratio between the embryos formed from how many eggs united) is higher when the ICSI technique is performed and it is thought that the more embryos we have, the more selection possibilities we have to have the right embryo to transfer.

This is a logical train of thought in the flow of In-Vitro Fertilization but studies are "stubborn" and in cases where the conditions are met to apply the "classic" fertilization technique, then it is the correct technique, regardless of having a lower number of formed embryos.

It should be mentioned that the ICSI technique is fantastic as it provides solutions for many couples with infertility reasons being the low number of spermatozoids, which are 40% of infertile couples.

Returning to the data reported from Albania, I wanted to inform you that they are not real because in the clinic where I work, the Fertility Clinic at Hygeia Hospital, we perform both techniques and the results have been in line with the studies published in the most prestigious journals. A large number of couples who have had negative results in other centers, within and outside the country, after the creation and transfer of embryos united through "classic" fertilization has given them the much-awaited result.

Science has made great strides in the field of Infertility but at the same time, these advances go into adding solutions for different patient problems and not in replacing the techniques considered "old".

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Komente nga lexuesit

Hello. Doctor, when can fertilization be recommended? I have been trying naturally for 3 years and so far, nothing. We have been referred to a doctor here in Germany, but they have not yet suggested it to us.. Currently, I cannot do this because I just had surgical intervention to remove fibroids and I do not know how long the recovery takes. The desire for a child is very great. After how long can it be done and approximately how much does it cost in Albania? Thank you very much if you read this and respond

Sent by Ana, më 19 November 2017 në 17:20

Mrs. Ana, greetings,
There are some details of your story that I am missing, and for this, you can write to me in an email (marselhaxhia@yahoo.it). In principle, after the removal of the fibroid, it is necessary to wait about 8-12 months. Anyway, I do not know the size and position of the fibroid. Germany is not the ideal place for IVF due to very strict legislation and protocols they have.
I wish you all the best and feel free to write to me for any clarification!

Replay from Dr. Marsel Haxhia, më 19 November 2017 në 23:58

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