Chemical Peeling (Part Two)

Great actors constantly use this treatment to renew their face

-Hyperpigmentation, Melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, lentigines.


- Acne and post-acne scars.


- Oily faces.


Wrinkles, skin texture, yellow spots, sun damage, and as a result of aging are greatly improved through the procedures of chemical peeling. 2 weeks before undergoing a chemical peeling, the face is prepared and treated with creams containing isotretinoin, alpha hydroxy acids in the percentage of 8-12%, and 1% hydrocortisone to reduce the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. 4-5 peeling sessions are performed per year depending on what we want to achieve.

Chemical peeling is only done during the cold period of the year when the risk of hyperpigmentation from solar radiation is reduced, respectively from November to March for our country which is a Mediterranean country with increased solar radiation during the other period of the year. Always after the chemical peeling procedure, the face is maximally protected from solar radiation and skin regenerators based on Hyaluronic Acid are applied.

Chemical peeling is an effective method in terms of treating some aesthetic skin problems, besides the known chemical exfoliative effect, chemical peeling stimulates the activity of fibroblasts for the production of collagen, which is a fundamental stone in the construction of the skin cell structure and this has been proven by numerous studies on this aspect.

The application of chemical peeling is a safe and effective procedure if performed by a dermatologist or a medical professional, do not hesitate to do it, everyone wants and tries to have as healthy and beautiful skin as possible.

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Komente nga lexuesit

how much does it cost, and for the white smoke what do you have to do?

Sent by soni, më 26 March 2013 në 16:57

For the cost of the chemical peeling procedure, you can contact me at my phone number which is located in my profile. As for the "white smoke," you need to make a prior dermatological visit to determine its cause.
Thank you

Sent by Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 28 March 2013 në 03:51

How much does a medium chemical peel for post-acne scars cost?

Sent by Kristina Thomollari, më 11 November 2017 në 17:08

Contact us at the phone number

Replay from Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 12 November 2017 në 13:52

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