Children's Cough (Part Two)

What could be the causes?

From a practical side, the causes can be: non-infections or as a result of infections.

Non-infections. Commonly from the emergence of a tooth, local actions from foods or spoons that are too hot, repeated bites of the inner parts of the cheeks, from mechanical injuries (hard toys, falls etc), medicines kept in the mouth for too long, exposure to some chemical or household cosmetic products etc. This group also includes the effects of other factors, such as very dry or dusty air, staying in environments with tobacco smoke or gas heating, insufficient intake of fluids especially during hot seasons etc. These circumstances not only affect the mouth's mucosa but also become a cause for opening the way to infections.

From infections. Mainly caused by viruses and bacteria, less often by candida.

In this group, we can mention: inflammations (with or without pus) of the tongue, gums, teeth, throat, and tonsils.

Do you see spots or white patches in the mouth?

There might be thrush (in newborns) or fungal infection, see candidiasis in the book "The Children's Doctor Answers" available in the market.

Are mouth pains accompanied by saliva and redness of the gums?

They might be the initial signs of stomatitis, see Stomatitis in the aforementioned book.

Is a tooth emerging?

In some cases, the emergence of the tooth is accompanied by pain, see children's teeth in the aforementioned book.

Are the mouth pains accompanied by fever?

There might be inflammations of the throat or tonsils (with or without pus), you can also notice this yourself by opening the mouth with the handle of a spoon. See inflammations of the throat and tonsils in the aforementioned book.

Do you notice swelling between the ear and the angle of the jaw?

It might be mumps (often accompanied by mouth pain as well). Suspicions increase if in the last 3 weeks there has been contact with someone sick with mumps, see mumps in children.


Diarrhea is a condition characterized by very watery and frequent bowel movements. The course can be short (acute) when it lasts with or without interruption no more than 2 weeks, or chronic if it continues for more than 2 weeks. Behind diarrhea, many causes are hidden, both inside and outside the digestive system. Attention - do not confuse diarrhea with pseudodiarrhea in newborns, nor with watery feces in healthy children - diarrhea is something else.

How does it manifest?

The disease can start in several ways, but the development of the disease in children, besides the cause, depends on the age, the younger, the more problematic (especially in newborns and infants). In mild forms, the frequency of bowel movements increases, feces become watery, with or without vomiting.

In some cases, the condition can change and worsen within a few hours, especially when accompanied by vomiting, which leads to rapid loss of fluids and salts, with all the consequences that may endanger life.

Diarrhea, besides dehydration, can be accompanied by other signs, mainly related to the pathogens (feces with blood and mucus in the context of salmonella, shigella, or some viruses, severe abdominal cramps in the context of parasites (especially Lamblia) etc. What is especially important for all ages is the degree of fluid loss, the deeper it is, the more problematic the condition.

The child has diarrhea, how to act?

Today, things have become simpler and understandable for everyone. Here's what to do:

  • replace the lost fluids and salts.
  • a little care for feeding.
  • no antibiotics without a doctor's advice.
How to replace fluids?

The best way is by mouth. Oral rehydration solutions are preferred, but if the child does not accept it, what to do? Try this mixture: in 1 liter of water at room temperature, squeeze ½ a lemon, add a flat teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar. Doesn't “like” this either? Then, give them whatever they desire like tea, chamomile, fruit juices or very diluted lemonade, coke, etc. In short, all means of oral fluid administration should be utilized, as long as it is accepted.

Drinks eagerly, but vomits immediately?

Even in these circumstances, one should not give up on administering fluids; but little by little and often, just like IV drip drops; like an “oral serum”; starting even from ½ a teaspoon, then 1 spoon, which means that with patience, the content of a tea cup (which holds about 200 - 250ml), should be given approximately over 2 hours. In this way, we manage to ensure at least the most necessary amount of fluids. Subsequently, observing the “tolerance”, gradually increase the amount and frequency. If vomiting is not problematic and fluids are accepted, there is no need to act as above.

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Hello! My son is 3 years and 4 months old and has been coughing for 2.5 months. I have taken him to see a doctor and they said he has secretions. Initially, they prescribed an antibiotic, Velamox, because he had a continuous cough. They then continued with Mucotres after 2 weeks. I started him on steam and Bisolvon, twice a day, 40 ml. The cough persists. I'm going crazy, please help me

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Sent by ilmi , më 05 February 2015 në 07:05

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