Children's Cough (Part Three)

Isn’t serum better?

The way with fluids in veins (sought arbitrarily), is not the best, but will only be utilized for special cases, when the above measures have not yielded results.

Nutrition - If breastfeeding, do not interrupt its provision. If there is vomiting, place them for shorter and more frequent periods. For children with artificial feeding, after a very short period (no more than 2-3 hours), only with fluids (as above), start the industrial milk that was given before. For children with mixed feeding, breast milk is not interrupted, while for the supplement, it should be done carefully, if necessary, little and often. The time of "hunger" diets has passed. Many recommend feeding as usual.

Medication - Since in most cases diarrhoea is caused by viruses (up to 70%), the above measures are sufficient (a ferment like Enterogermina can be given), Antibiotics or any other medication, is given only by a doctor based on the pathogens.

When should we contact the doctor?
  1. Immediately for newborns, below 6 months of age, if stools are bloody and when you are sure that the diaper remains dry for over 6 hours (indicates that there is no urination).
  2. If it continues with high temperature, over 24 hours.
  3. When diarrheal stools continue without any improvement, over 3 days.

It is not a disease, but an expression of the body's counter-response, indicating that something is not right; thus, a significant sign that should never be underestimated.

What should be the normal temperature? Measured under the armpit, it is considered normal from 35.8 to 37.2°C, while in the rectum, ½ degree more. The temperature can undergo some normal fluctuations; the lowest being, for example, between 01 and 04, when the child wakes up it may be 36 degrees, while between 18 and 20 it reaches up to 37.2. Any fluctuation within these figures is normal.

How is the temperature measured?

The best way, under the armpit. The most reliable, the mercury thermometer. Less reliable, thermometers for measuring in the ear, mouth, forehead, without touching the body etc. Before placing the thermometer under the armpit, check if this area is sweaty and hold it for 3-5 minutes In the rectum 3 minutes.

The child has a temperature, how to proceed?

There are two ways: with physical means and medication.

What are the physical means? Relieve them from excessive clothing (it’s good to leave them in a vest and underwear), refresh the environment, a bath and offer plenty of fluids. If there is shivering (they are temporary, indicate that the temperature is rising), then temporarily cover them. Continue to measure the temperature and again as needed.

Here is how to do a bath to lower the temperature (cooling bath). In a bathtub prepare lukewarm water (as much as your wrist can bear). If you have a water thermometer, the bath starts with one degree below that of the body (e.g., it’s 40, then start with 39 degrees) and gradually add normal water at the end of the bathtub, until the water temperature drops to 32 degrees. This procedure continues for 10 minutes. Throughout the bath, the body should be covered by water, only the head remains outside. After the bath, dry well and measure the temperature again.

What should not be done?
  • Do not dress them too much or cover them too much to sweat, sweat is the enemy of temperature.
  • Do not force them to stay in bed (children when they do not feel well, go by themselves).
  • Do not force them to eat against their will.
  • Never start antibiotics without the advice of a doctor.
  • Do not overdo it with medication to lower the temperature as quickly as possible to normal numbers, because the best decline is a gradual one.
What are the medications and when should they be given?

For children without any particular problem, they are given above 38.5. Of utmost importance is the correct administration; which means, with a dose according to weight and time interval according to the medication. Among the medications (until today) considered the best are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin (in pharmacies are found in forms of syrups, suppositories, tablets etc. and with different names (according to the manufacturing company), but the name of the active ingredient and the amount per unit is always present (e.g., Paracetamol 5 ml - 120mg). Aspirin - widely advised years ago, today is not recommended in some viral infections like Flu, Chickenpox etc. (can cause a serious disease named Reye's syndrome).

Paracetamol - For reducing temperature it is calculated 10-15 mg per kg body weight per dose, every 4 or 6 hours (the schedule must be followed precisely).

Ibuprofen - For reducing temperature, it is calculated 5-10 weight per dose, every 8 hours (can also be calculated 20-30 mg per kg. per day, divided into 3 doses (every 8 hours). The duration of action for Paracetamol is 4 to 6 hours, while that of Ibuprofen is 8 hours, that's why the schedules according to the type of medication should be respected.

What about Valium?

Advised by the doctor only for those children who have had convulsions from the temperature (not for every child). In these cases, medications for lowering the temperature accompanied by Valium. In some cases (always with the advice of the doctor) these medications can be given even with a temperature above 37.5 degrees. A tip - Anyone who has children should always have Paracetamol and Ibuprofen at home.

When should we contact the doctor?
  • For children up to 6 months (especially below 3 months) one should not wait and if the temperature is not accompanied by any of the signs mentioned above.
  • For other ages, if the condition is satisfactory, one should wait at least 2-3 days.

These are only guiding tips; everything depends on the overall condition and accompanying signs.

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Hello! My son is 3 years and 4 months old and has been coughing for 2.5 months. I have taken him to see a doctor and they said he has secretions. Initially, they prescribed an antibiotic, Velamox, because he had a continuous cough. They then continued with Mucotres after 2 weeks. I started him on steam and Bisolvon, twice a day, 40 ml. The cough persists. I'm going crazy, please help me

Sent by Migena, më 30 November 2013 në 22:02

Hello, I have a 13-year-old daughter who often gets a rash on her face every 2 weeks and has a dry cough every minute. The cough doesn't stop, we take her to the doctor but they don't tell us anything specific. They prescribe medicines and injections. We've done an allergy test and she is allergic. She also has yellow phlegm, and we've been using a spray for her nose but it doesn't help. She doesn't have any bronchitis in her lungs. She has some secretions in her nose but they don't continue to tell us what to do. They suggest removing her tonsils because she is getting ruined by the cough. I don't know how to proceed. Please help us with this question. Respectfully

Sent by ilmi , më 05 February 2015 në 07:05

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