Most common hair loss pathologies (Part Two)

Androgenic Alopecia.

Often we say even though he is bald, he is a noble person, hair loss in the frontal part of the head is called androgenic alopecia which occurs as a result of the combination of genetic factors with hormonal factors (androgens) which are male hormones and act by increasing or adding hair in different parts of the body but unfortunately cause the hair to fall out in the frontal part of the head (generally in people who have inherited this condition)

Androgenic alopecia occurs in both men and women.

In women, hormonal examinations such as testosterone or dehydroepiandrosterone are required, because this pathology can also be accompanied by other concerns such as irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, acne, virilization.

Treatment: application of minoxidil solution, locally 2% and 5% in the area of the head where there is hair loss, while in men finasteride 1 mg per day is also used, these medications need to be given and followed by a dermatologist.

Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia results from damage or destruction of the hair follicle (root) by inflammatory pathological processes, as a result of which the follicular structures turn into fibrotic tissue. The sooner they are diagnosed in their early stages the more quickly fibrotic processes that later become irreversible are prevented. Treatment consists of applying corticosteroid ointments and injections with corticosteroid solutions under the scalp.


Trichotillomania is a pathology that has to do with a compulsive feeling to pull out hair and is related to psychological compulsive disorders, these people by realizing the act of pulling out hair calm themselves from this kind of feeling and in a way release the stress they experience, the hair in the areas where it is pulled out is sparse but quite a few hair follicles are visible which helps in accurately diagnosing this pathology, usually this pathology is noticed in adolescents or even in children, and the hair loss in this case has no organic causes, but behind it lies a psychological disorder, which can also result from experiencing difficult situations badly, treatment in this case is done in cooperation with the psychiatrist.

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Very interesting

Sent by klodiana, më 05 November 2013 në 16:56

Hello, I am a 29-year-old mother of 3 children. After the birth of my third child, my hair started falling out. Now, my daughter is almost 4 years old, and I have lost almost 60 percent of my hair. Two years ago in Kosovo, they told me to get blood tests, but the results came back fine, and my hormone tests were also good. We couldn't find the cause of my hair loss. Now, someone has recommended a shampoo that is used for washing horses. I bought it but I am doubtful whether to use it or not. I would like your opinion, please write to me whether I should use it or not. Thank you

Sent by sadber, më 19 April 2014 në 07:31

I am Luljeta, 17 years old, my hair falls out a lot, every day I lose a handful of hair, please help me, respond to me

Sent by luljeta, më 04 December 2014 në 09:11

I am a 31-year-old girl who has lost all her hair. Initially, it fell out in patches, alopecia areata. The doctors have given me various kinds of medications, but eventually, I lost all my eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair everywhere. I don't know what medication to use, please help me. I have been in this condition for two years

Sent by lela, më 17 January 2017 në 02:30

from what you describe it seems to be universal alopecia, you need to be examined more thoroughly to find the cause of the pathology

Replay from Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 17 January 2017 në 02:52

What tests should the doctor do to find the cause of hair loss please help me I await your answer thyroid hormones could be a reason for hair loss

Sent by lela, më 26 January 2017 në 07:49


Replay from Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 27 January 2017 në 02:33

Hello, I am a 32-year-old man and my hair is falling out a lot, and my scalp hurts. My hair has thinned significantly. I even went to the hospital for a visit, and they told me I had a fungal infection on my scalp. I took some medicine, but I haven't improved at all. Can you help me with where I should turn to?

Sent by Ajet doçi , më 19 February 2017 në 09:22

Hello, you need to undergo a medical visit to determine the cause of hair loss, and then receive the appropriate treatment

Replay from Dr. Ardiana Sinani, më 19 February 2017 në 12:48

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