Dr. Ardiana Sinani, Dermatologist












Dermatological visit Mesotherapy Botox Fillers PRP, treatment with autologous plasma Chemical peeling Laser hair removal


klinika dermatologjike, tirane, Tirane
Professional qualifications
Epidemiology and Clinic of Vitiligo, in Doctoral Process September 2012 Tirana
Stërvitje mjekësore ushtarake për misionet e ruajtjes së paqes September 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria
International Product Training Course – Skin Protecting, Skin Cleansing, Skin Care and Skin Protection , May 22-24, 2012 Krefeld, Germany
20th Congress of the EADV October 2011 Lisbon, Portugal
Training Course "Infectious and Tropical Diseases for Military Doctors" October 1-15, 2004 Amsterdam, Netherlands
John Stradigos Memorial Scholarship at the 21st Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and September 27-30, 2012 Prague, Czech Republic
Salzburg - dermatology seminar 16.6.2013 - 22.6.201 Austria Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Medical publications
1-Neurofibromatoza- case report- sesioni shkencor i sherbimit te dermato-venorologjise Dhjetor 2007, Tirana. 2-Neurofibromatoza- abstrakt- 17th Congres of the EADV Shtator 2009 Paris, France
Pseudopelade - abstrakt - Konferenca 1 e Dermato-Venerologjise Dhjetor 2009, Tirane
Dermatitis seborrheic as a first sign of hiv infection – abstrakt- Spring Sympozium May 2010, Kroaci
Herpes simplex and hydradenitis suppurativa to uncover Hiv-Aids- abstrakt Spring Sympozium May 2010, Kroaci
Aplikimi i lazerave kirurgjikal gjate praktikes se perditshme dermatologjike, avantazhet dhe disavantazhet,-abstrakt- Revista Medikus, 30 Tetor, Maqedoni
Antrax cutaneous – abstrakt- Konferenca dyte e Dermato-Venerelogjise Dhjetor 2010, Tirane
Green nail syndrome – referim- Konferenca e dyte Dermato- Venerologjise Dhjetor 2010, Tirane
Erythema nodosum ne prani te colotis ulcerous- abstrakt- Konferenca Kombetare Infektiologjise, Maj 2011, Tirane
Nje rast me anthrax cutaneous – poster - Konferenca Kombetare Infektiologjise, Maj 2011, Tirane.
Telogen efflivium dhe thiroiditi Hashimoto - referim- Konferenca e trete e Dermato-Venerologjise, Dhjetor 2011, Tirane.
Erythema Fixe – abstrakt, raportim rasti,- Konferenca e trete e Dermato-Venerologjise, Dhjetor 2011, Tirane.
Fix drug eruptionor discoid lupus erythematous – abstrakt- 9 th EADV Spring Sympozium, Verona Italy, Maj 2012
Erysipelas – abstrakt - 9 th EADV Spring Sympozium, Verona Italy , Maj 2012
Small erythematous maculas and infective endocarditis – abstrakt – 21st EADV Congress, Prague Czech Republic. Tetor 2012.
Allergic Contact dermatitis from Propolis – abstrakt - Skin Allergy Meeting (SAM) 2012, The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 29 Novemb
Allergic skin reactions, fix drug erutions – abstrakt - Skin Allergy Meeting (SAM) 2012, The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 29 Novem
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrom – referim - Konferenca e katert e Dermato-Venerologjise, 8 Dhjetor 2012, Tirane
Vitiligo, Alopecia Areata, Thiroiditis – abstrakt- Konferenca e katert e Dermato-Venerologjise, 8 Dhjetor 2012, Tirane
Published articles
Dermato-aesthetic treatments October 2016
Adult acne November 2015 1 comments
Dead (Frostbite) February 2015
Autologous plasma therapy March 2014 1 comments
Eczemas November 2013
Hair loss pathologies April 2013 3 comments
Nail diseases January 2013 21 comments
Chemical peeling October 2012 2 comments
Redness - Facial redness September 2012 3 comments
Reviews from patients

Hello, please I have a problem with my nails, it has happened to me twice that they detach from the flesh, and because of this, I tried to avoid painting them with nail polish (I painted them less often). Now my nails are reddening again from the inside in parts... and I'm afraid they might detach from the flesh again... what can I do to heal them and be able to paint them again but less frequently of course?

Sent by xhensi, më 16 March 2014 në 06:12

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