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Dr. Elton Peci

In most cases, abnormal cervical cells heal spontaneously. However, they often can develop into cancer. Treatment of precancerous cells is very effective in preventing cervical cancer. Therefore, it is very important for wome...  read full article

Diseases from electromagnetic waves

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In our daily life, we encounter various kinds of waves, to which the body reacts in different ways. Sea waves usually have a relaxing effect on the human body, the opposite happens with electromagnetic waves. In addition to light waves, artificially produced waves also enter our homes...  read full article

Ozone in chronic leg ulcers

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Dr. Ilir Agastra

A chronic leg ulcer is called any wound below the knee that does not heal within a 6-week period. It is a common pathology that affects about 1% of the population and up to 3% of people over 65 years old. CLU has a major impact on the quality of life of the person as well as on the cost of the health care system...  read full article

Blood infection

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Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako

"You have a blood infection", has become a daily occurrence for us. And it is very difficult to then explain to the patient that "circulating blood does not get infected". The river does not get infected, the pond does. If there are pathogens in the blood (viruses - viremia, bacteria - bacteremia, fungi - fungemia, etc.), it does not mean that the blood is infected...  read full article

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

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Dr. Marsel Haxhia

Pre-implantation Genetic Testing as part of Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) is a technique used to identify genetic defects in embryos created before pregnancy begins. This is done with the help of Artificial Insemination or commonly known as IVF....  read full article


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Dr. Elton Peci

Menopause is that period of a woman's life in which menstruation stops and never comes again. Menopause is part of the natural aging process in women. In this phase, the ovaries no longer produce oocytes (eggs) and the hormones estrogen and progesterone, and pregnancy becomes impossible for the woman...  read full article

Genetic counseling and testing

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Dr. Riselda Tahiraj

Cancer can be present in a family due to common environmental exposure (diet, environment, lifestyle, and workplace exposures). The referred cases may occur as a result of the interaction of genes, gene-environment interaction, or both. Sporadic cancer has an average risk of occurring...  read full article

Ozone therapy in ischemic stroke

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Dr. Ilir Agastra

Stroke is divided into ischemic (87%) and hemorrhagic (13%). Ischemic stroke occurs immediately after the blockage (embolization) of the cerebral artery. In the USA, there are about 750,000 new cases per year, while in Russia, there are about 400,000. The mortality rate in the first month is 15-30%. The surviving part poses a significant problem for the patient, family, society...  read full article

Alcohol and Alcoholism

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Alcoholic drinks have been known since ancient times. As long as there was water, fruits with sugar content, and fermentation, all the conditions were created for alcoholic drinks to form naturally. Coming into contact with alcoholic drinks, humans experienced the effects of both moderate and abusive consumption of these beverages...  read full article

Peripheral blood analysis

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Dr. Shk. Sotiraq Lako

The full analysis of Peripheral Blood is: Complete blood + platelet + reticulocyte. The complete blood consists of: a) Red series (erythrocyte) - Erythrocytes (RBC), Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte constants (MCV, MCH, MCHC) when the hemogram is done with a machine, Hematocrit, Description of the red series (color, size, shape of erythrocytes, granulations...  read full article


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