In Vitro Fertilization

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Dr. Marsel Haxhia

Fertilization of mammalian eggs in vitro has a history that goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. Analyses of rodent embryos in short-term cultures opened a new research perspective in human embryos in vitro. This phase of research made in 1930 Pincus and his colleagues, Enzmann and Saunder...  read full article

Hair loss pathologies

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Dr. Ardiana Sinani

Hair, hair, hair, it is said that they are half of beauty, how much we worry when they do not look nice or when we start having problems with them, as when they begin to fall more than normally, when they start thinning or when they lose their shine and vitality. There are dozens and hundreds of products whic...  read full article

Dead (Frostbite)

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Dr. Ardiana Sinani

Frostbite is a pathology that appears mainly in young ages and in people suffering from poor peripheral blood circulation. Frostbite is a pathology that mainly appears during the winter period when the temperatures are low. Generally, frostbite is mainly localized in hands, feet, ears, nose, and cheeks...  read full article

When medications kill

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In the world, many counterfeit medicines circulate and certainly constitute a significant problem for the treatment of various diseases. As will be analyzed below, the problems that exist and the ways in which these can be avoided will emerge. Publications of foreign literature have been analyzed, while there are no...  read full article

Endometrial and cervical polyps

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Dr. Ilda Ndreko

Endometrial polyps are one of the most common causes of abnormal genital bleeding in women in pre and postmenopause. Most of them are benign in nature, but malignancy can occur. The prevalence varies from 10-40% in women with bleeding and 12% in routine examination and asymptomatic forms...  read full article

Urological procedures

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Dr. Shk. Rezar Rusi

Eco is a simple, painless examination with no side effects. In the case of the urinary tract, it evaluates the condition of the kidneys, urinary bladder, prostate, and testicles. The patient is required to have drunk a large amount of water before the examination so that the bladder is full. The procedure is performed by placin...  read full article

Vaginal fungi

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Dr. Jonida Reveli

Yeast is an organism that normally lives in the vaginal mucosa in small amounts. Vaginal yeast infection occurs when the number of fungal yeast cells that grow in the vagina increases. At least 75% of women experience at least one episode of vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime. Although it is an infection that causes discomfor...  read full article


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Dr. Elton Peci

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that uses a tube-shaped telescope (hysteroscope) to visualize the inside of the uterine cavity. It is also a technique that allows the performance of various surgical interventions in the uterine cavity. Therefore, hysteroscopy can be diagnostic and operative...  read full article

Freezing of embryos

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Dr. Elton Peci

With cryopreservation, we will understand the preservation of embryos formed during the in vitro fertilization process at very low temperatures (cryo). Cryopreservation is an alternative that has further increased the chances of success for pregnancy after a single IVF cycle. The first baby born after being frozen a...  read full article

Ozone in chronic leg ulcers

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Dr. Ilir Agastra

A chronic leg ulcer is called any wound below the knee that does not heal within a 6-week period. It is a common pathology that affects about 1% of the population and up to 3% of people over 65 years old. CLU has a major impact on the quality of life of the person as well as on the cost of the health care system...  read full article


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